They Need Us
Sharadi Foundation believes in growing together.
Why grow alone when we all can grow together?
Together We can make difference!
Sharadi Family
Sharadi believes in growing together. Why grow alone when we all can grow together?
We are creating a cycle of opportunities for everyone from every corner.
Sharing food with our canine friends, providing necessary medications, and more..
Get precious & authentic collection of cotton products from ‘Tanti’ community, and more..
Encouraging everyone to plant trees with us, let’s make earth GREEN again!
Distributing food packets every week just for ₹ 10 only, and more..
Making education easy to touch for every child from our open classes, and more..
Making access to a good health for underserved people through our medical camps, and more..

Join Sharadi Family
When we talk about membership, we treat it as an expense rather than an investment. But, sometimes it is our contribution towards a better tomorrow – where good intentions matter the most.
We are glad to see our Volunteers for their love and support to make the initiatives running well and successful.
Budhbarer Haat
Budhbarer-Haat is that common space where Sharadi Foundation comes under one shelter where we support small local businesses and support farmers and tanti communities and their profession.
Our small initiative to support and promoting local craftsmen and farmers. Know More →

Our Mission
Sharadi Foundation believes in growing together.
Why grow alone when we all can grow together?
We are creating a cycle of opportunities for everyone from every corner of society. Our dream is to form a common platform for all to connect and contribute towards a better future.
Our Vision
Our vision is to create a healthy society where all are living in peace, harmony and compassion. Let’s create a new world of equality and independence.
- Improve social awareness
- Grow economic networks
- Provide social services
- Generate employment
- Make education and health a priority
- Provide authentic and healthy products
Sharadi Foundations presents Six divisions with Six different initiatives. Sampriti, Sutijo, Sobuj, Swad, Sohojpath and Seba is dedicated to serving its purpose.

Fortunately enough, there exist organizations like Sharadi Foundation, the artisans of whom are working relentlessly almost 24*7 so that we, as human beings, don't have to hide our faces out of repentance.
I can only say that I feel proud as I know from the core of my heart how sincere this organization is.

Your Success Is Our Dream. Let's Start A Walk Together...!

We believe in Equality. We want everyone works on their own to get their basic needs. Make everyone self reliant. Each division of our Foundation is working towards this goal. We also believe that we can reach this goal only when we learn to share in the love of all. We all dream of building a society free from exploitation and without class discrimination.

Sharadi Foundation aims to create social capital, a network of social relationships in this unequal society to create opportunities for the economically disadvantaged groups. Our efforts and objectives are to reduce inequality and deprivation, and to enhance well being by empowering people. We believe that economic empowerment will enable a person to achieve a decent standard of living. Sharadi is also committed to contribute to a greener environment. As a team member, I feel very proud to be a part of Sharadi Foundation.

Fortunately enough, there exist organizations like Sharadi Foundation, the artisans of whom are working relentlessly almost 24*7 so that we, as human beings, don't have to hide our faces out of repentance.
I can only say that I feel proud as I know from the core of my heart how sincere this organization is.

Your Success Is Our Dream. Let's Start A Walk Together...!

We believe in Equality. We want everyone works on their own to get their basic needs. Make everyone self reliant. Each division of our Foundation is working towards this goal. We also believe that we can reach this goal only when we learn to share in the love of all. We all dream of building a society free from exploitation and without class discrimination.